You get to make what you wish... of this one wild and precious life
When I was 17, my dad gave me a birthday card I’ll never forget. It said “Life is a great, big canvas. So throw all the paint on it you can!”.
Here’s a secret that lies in those words when it comes to you, your life and what you’re here to do.
Your purpose isn’t outside of you. It’s not something you find in a pamphlet, or a list of subjects, courses or professions.
It’s something you get to decide. Something you get to choose.
If you don’t know what your purpose is, you either don’t know yourself well enough, or you’re terrified of making the wrong choice, don’t trust yourself enough to push through failure to succeed.
Because when we know that our life is our creation, that means it’s also all of our responsibility. If we don’t know, like and trust ourselves then that’s a scary weight to handle.
So we hide behind, “I don’t know,” because that’s easier. Not satisfying, but easier than the weight of responsibility or the pain of potential failure.
But if you’re anything like me, and if you are reading this I’m guessing you are, you won’t stay in that discomfort forever. You’re DYING to figure out what you’re here for and to THROW YOURSELF into work that is deeply meaningful to you.
If you’re ready to jump out of feeling stuck, confused, lost and unsatisfied and ready to start feeling free, successful, at peace and aligned, then start with you.
Start with saying yes to you and lock in a clarity call today. It’s a 20-30 minute complimentary session with me where we get LASER CLEAR on where you are stuck, why you’re stuck and how to get where you’d like to be!
Life’s short, be bold.
Don't know who you are or what to do with your life?
I’ve long been inspired by poetry and one personal favourite is that of Mary Oliver…
”Who made the world?
Who made the swan,
and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean--
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down --
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention,
how to fall down into the grass,
how to kneel in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?”
I used to love it because it was question I asked myself over and over - what will I do with my one wild and precious life? Knowing that life is precious and that our time here important and insignificant all at once.
I knew I wanted to do something important with my life but had no idea, no clue.
So here, I would like to offer you a clue to figuring it out for yourself. If you don’t know what you’re here to do then you don’t know yourself.
Begin there.
Begin getting very intimate with all parts of you - the bits you like and the bits you don’t. Because when you make peace with every inch of your skin and as much of conscious and unconscious mind as you can.. you’ll see the signs that point toward your deeper callings and purpose. They’ll be exposed and transparent.
Sound daunting? Let me take your hand. Book in for a clarity call today by clicking here.
A 20 - 30 minute call with me (complimentary) where we can identify where you’re stuck, where you’d really love to be and build a plan to get you there.
Life’s short, be bold
Frustrated that you haven't "arrived yet?" ... be kinder to yourself and read on...
Are you feeling:
It’s like all you’ve ever wanted is to BE THERE already! You know, ARRIVED.
Arrived at the place where you have an amazing career that you jump out of bed every morning to do. Where you have incredible love, crazy sex and you keep asking yourself, ‘how does it get any better than this?’
You know. Arrived.
At the place where you feel:
So, why on earth aren’t you there yet?
Here’s why and it’s way nicer an answer than you think. (Ie. it’s not because you’re not good enough, you started too late, you’re too stupid, not pretty enough or whatever other story you have in your head…)
The reason you haven’t ‘arrived yet’ is simply because there’s still more to learn, more structures to put into place before you are the person who can handle all the knowing, the success, the money, the sex… the things you desire! You haven’t BECOME the person yet!
Which is awesome. Why? Because you have things to learn and I KNOW you know how to learn.
I created an awesome live stream on this topic a few weeks ago. CHECK IT OUT BY CLICKING HERE. (It’s on my personal page so if we’re not friends yet, add me and say hey!)
So, next time you feel that frustration, pain and annoyance rise… ask yourself - what else do I need to learn? Who do I need to become?
Life’s short, be bold.
YOUR PURPOSE + How Easy It Is to find!
So you really, really, really just WANNA KNOW what to do with your life… right?
Feeling lost, stuck, frustrated, a waste of space… like you are wasting a whole lot of potential.
All you want is to find your passion work, your purpose, your ONE THING that you were here to do.
Well… it’s been under your nose the entire time!
Because, guess what?
Before you start shrieking that you don’t know who you are or what the hell you’re here to do… take a breath and hang with me.
Here are a few beliefs I hold about the world and life (you can accept or reject them but, hear me out):
ONE: We are souls in a human body. We have many lifetimes that we come to different human forms to learn different lessons. I believe we choose these lessons before we are born, in fact that leads to number two.
TWO: We choose our parents. I believe we choose our parents and what they pass on to us creates the grounds on which we learn our lessons.
THREE: As babies we are born as our perfect selves - we are most WHO WE TRULY ARE. As we grow older we create stories based on experiences in our lives about who we are and how life is for us. These stories become our beliefs - thoughts we think to ourselves over and over again that keep us safe.
FOUR: As we grow older, these stories no longer serve us but we have kept them because they kept us safe. So it’s our job to unravel these old stories and tell new ones.
FIVE: Our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts influence our feelings, our feelings influence our actions and our actions create our reality. So if we want to CHANGE our reality (or change the story we’ve been telling) we must begin with our thoughts.
SIX: Every problem we have in our lives can be traced to not feeling good enough about ourselves not loving/accepting ourselves.
So if your problem right now is YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE IS… and I’m telling you that your CORE PURPOSE IS TO BE YOURSELF… and you’re getting frustrated with me…
There is some area (or many) in which you are telling yourself a story about not being good enough. Something about yourself that you do not accept and do not love.
This is where the real work lies - to finding your purpose or solving any problem in life really. Working on the areas in which you do not love and accept yourself.
Because when you are expressing, showing up and creating as your truest, creative and expressive self? The world is your playground.
You get to show up and follow your passions and interests.. you know yourself and with that comes deep wisdom…
You’ll know what you’re here to do.
It really can be that easy.
Life’s short, be bold.
Part 3: Build your own life map for deeper meaning, fulfilment and happiness
Hey girl! So the last two week’s I’ve been sharing my best tools for mapping out a life that provides you with deeper meaning, fulfilment and happiness.
I’ve been sharing tools to help you build your life around what matters most to you. So this post is going to be no different.
5. Make a Bucket List + Make clear plans to tick items off
I know a bucket list might seem cheesy… but writing out what we desire to happen in our lives is powerful. Ticking things off a list? Even more powerful!
If you want to be inspired to make a list, check out 100 things by Sebastien Terry.
So, what’s on your list?
Write it down.
Make definite plans to make 2 of this things happen THIS YEAR.
6. Goals.
I know, I know… goals are almost as bad as the bucket list! Uhhhhh…
Goals weren’t always top of my list of favourite things however, if we don’t make plans, things don’t happen and goals are plans.
For me, the most important part of goals are having your own scale to measure yourself by. Your own achievements and accomplishments to celebrate that stand alone from society.
So if you’re in a business, maybe a goal is to hit 3K months. From there it might be 5K and then 10K.
If you’re writing maybe you want to get your first draft finished. Then publish your first book. Then write another book.
These goals need to be written down, dated and celebrated when completed!
Celebrating helps you acknowledge your progress and success.
So there you have it.
6 guidelines to create a map for your life so it’s drenched with meaning, fulfilment and success.
Lots of love,
Part 2: Build your own life map for deeper meaning, fulfilment and happiness
In the last post I spoke about Core Desired Feelings, in this post I want to add more guideposts for you to map your life out by.
So the second tool to help you map a life for deeper meaning, fulfilment and happiness:
2. How to align with your core desired feelings every single day
Now the you’ve outlined your top 5 core desired feelings, how can you create non-negotiable in your daily life that ensure you the highest possibility of feeling your core desired feelings regularly?!
My personal non-negotiables are:
living by the beach
having a loving, supportive partner who adores me
practicing yoga and meditation every day
writing and journaling every day
having unscheduled days in my week
having time for spontaneity and adventure
These things must be a part of my life and most of them are daily practices that allow me to feel my core desired feelings of FREEDOM, FULFILMENT, EMPOWERED, CREATIVE, ADVENTUROUS!
So what are some practices you can put into place in your life that will allow you to feel your core desired feelings every day?
Now you’re clear on your core desired feelings and have set some non-negotiable in place that allow you to FEEL those feelings on the daily, let’s move on.
3. What skills do I want to Master that are in alignment with my gifts and core desired feelings?
Make a list of skills you want to Master. This is your life work.
They could be work related skills or passion-projects like learning a language or how to drum.
The skills I want to Master in my life time are Writing persuasively, Marketing, Sales + Money.
Once you have the skills listed - you can get to work Mastering them. Mastery takes time, patience and lots of practice.
Not sure what skills you want to Master? Let’s connect and help you find that out.
4. Who do I want to be? How do I want to show up and be remembered?
This question relates to how you want to be remembered but also how you yearn to BE in the world. How do you want to show up?
Do you want to be the free-spirited gypsy who makes everyone happy?
Or the driven hustler who churns out 10 ebooks a year and makes herself a millionaire?
or something else?
It’s all really your choice..
Try on a few different hats and decide, who do you want to be, how do you want to be remembered and then get to work BEING THAT PERSON NOW.
So if you’re desire is to be free and make everyone around you happier for your presence, be that now.
If you want to be the self-made multi-millionaire who publishes ebooks left, right and centre - start writing yesterday! Show up for your business and your work DAILY.
Wait for next week’s blog to learn my last three tools to building your life map.
Life’s short girl, be bold!
Part 1: Build your own life map for deeper meaning, fulfilment and happiness
I love Hollywood movies, I really do.
I enjoy sitting back and getting caught up in a story. They’re easy watching films (most of the time) that you can enjoy.
BUT… I do have a bone to pick with Hollywood.
It’s to do with the stories they tell and the roles women play in them. You’re the bride, the mother, the angry ex, the greedy/mean boss. Women have certain roles and that’s where we’re stuck.
The thing about film is that they reflect our culture AND it guides as to what the ‘norm’ is.
What do I mean by that? Hollywood isn’t giving us many options here. Either you follow the mainstream get married and have babies or you grow old single and became a sour spinster. Maybe you have a successful business and you’re portrayed as the “bitch” boss.
There are certain roles and they have a good or bad pitch to them.
The point I want to make is - there is no one way to live your life right. There are simply ways. What we lack as young women are stories to show us all the myriad ways we can live our lives (they are as plentiful as people on this earth).
(Side note: Reece Witherspoon is on a mission to change this. She has created a production company run by women creating movies written by women, starring women providing us with different stories we can reflect on)
Something I wish I had have received when I was young, are tools to create our own life map. Now, life is always going to have it’s ups and downs. There are parts we cannot control.
However if we’re a boat floating on the sea of life, we can certainly have a rudder, a motor, know what direction we desire to go in and learn how to use the wind in our sails.
Here are the tools I’ve picked up over my 30 years of life create my own map so when I measure myself up, I’m not always falling short upon someone else’s standards. Instead, I’m working solidly to build the life I’ve always dreamed of.
Core desired feelings
The best tool and the first I get all my clients to consider are your CORE DESIRED FEELINGS. Danielle Laporte came up with this concept and she wrote an entire book on it.
In summary, when we desire to be, do or have anything in life, we believe that in the being, doing or having of that thing we will feel a certain way. So the quickest way to get what we want is to start feeling that way already.
Danielle Laporte took this further and attaches are core desired feelings to our goal setting.
So, here’s are some big questions I hope you get well acquainted with your personal answers for:
How do you desire to feel in your daily life?
How do you desire to feel at work?
How do you desire to feel in your relationships?
How do you desire to feel with your finances?
How do you desire to feel in your friendships and family life?
It’s about getting really clear on how you desire to feel. Then aligning everything you set out to do with these core desired feelings.
Your core desired feelings become a barometer for decision making.
For example, my core desired feelings are FREEDOM, FULFILMENT, CREATIVITY, JOY, ADVENTURE AND EMPOWERED.
If I’m thinking about buying a Mercedes Benz…
I would ask myself does buying this car and having this car make me feel FREE, FULFILLED, CREATIVE, JOYFUL, EMPOWERED AND ADVENTUROUS?
I would visualise having the car, driving it, spending the money on it and notice how I feel.
If my answer was no, to the above question, I wouldn’t buy the car.
If my answer was yes to the above question, I would buy the car.
See how these core desired feelings can become the guide posts you use?
In the next blog I’ll share some more guide posts to help you create a map for your life that will leave you with a meaningful life that is fulfilling and full of joy.
Life’s short, be bold,
Confidence is a muscle: Here's how to build it
Confidence is not something some people are born with and others do not have.
Nope. We all have the potential to be confident, shiny people. We just need to make a habit of practicing.
So if you’re worrying about your worth and how you’re measuring up. If you’re eyes are downcast when you walk down the street or enter a room. If you admire the women who walk into a place and light it up, who people are drawn to….
Here are some sure-fire ways to flex and build your confidence muscle.
Only say yes and commit when you really mean it. Tune in, do you really want to participate in this commitment? Is it a full-body YES from you? If not, say no. Boundaries girlfriend.
Follow through, follow through, follow through - what you say you will do.
ESPECIALLY when you’ve made a promise to yourself. Nothing erodes our sense of self like making promises to ourselves and not following through.Work on a skill that takes time to master and watch/ celebrate your progress. For me this has been guitar, yoga, writing, coaching + my business
Make sure you’re living in alignment with YOUR core desired values and feelings - when I went against these my sense of confidence & worth sunk to the bottom of the ocean. What are core desired feelings? BLOG POST COMING SOON NEXT WEEK!
Book recommendations:
* Get out of your mind and into your life. It’s a workbook based on Acceptance + Commitment Therapy
* Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
Want some help building Confidence?
Message me about Into Your Life; 8 weeks of voxer support as you work through the book and accompanying exercises of ‘Get of out your mind and into your life.’
Be bold,
Big, life-changing decisions + how to make 'em
There are times in our lives when we are forced to make big decisions. For our own health and sanity or because we’re out of a job and need to decide what’s next. Because we’re ready for a new challenge or we crave something more.
Here are some of my favourite tools for big decision making.
JOURNAL IT OUT. My favourite tool to help me work through big decisions is to journal it out. I did a live-stream journal class on this. Check out the video and learn this tool by clicking here.
FEEL INTO IT. I love using my gut and my body as a decisive tool. Sometimes our thoughts can get in the way and be all angsty and over-analytical. Trusting the instinct of your body can really help. Never done this before? Here’s an introductory video sharing one way to use your body as a decision making tool.
DON’T OVERTHINK IT. One of the things we over-thinking, analytical, stressy types like to do is think, think, think. In particular when it comes to making a BIG DECISION …. we spend time dwelling on the PATH NOT TAKEN. Ie. If I choose to leave this job, what future reality will I miss out on - the future where I stay in the job.
You will never know.
You’ll never know.
Just make your decision and put your all behind it.
Don’t overthink it.
Once you make your decision a weight will lift and the solutions and answers will line up before you. The ‘how’ and the where will arrive at your feet.
Let me know what you’re making a big decision on by dropping me a line here.
Life’s short, be sassy,
May you find the joy in being you {A Poem}
May you find the joy in being you.
In your thick thighs that meet in the middle and maybe even rub together but carry you through your life with strength.
In your blemished skin that flushes red when you’re cold but still informs your brain that you need an extra layer of clothing today.
In your hair that is a curly mess and looks nothing like the women in the magazines or on TV but women with straight hair envy and tell you so.
In the way you desire more from life and yet, you don’t know what that is but you’re so keen to figure it out.
In the way you smile and laugh at things others probably don’t understand but you still attempt to share.
May you find the joy in being you and create the work the world needs from you.
Life’s short, be sassy.
Ps. Struggling to find the joy in being you? Send me an email by clicking here and I’ll share a meditation with you.
A Note on Forgiveness
Hey babe!
I’ve been practicing more and more forgiveness through journaling rituals and meditations. Something came up for me that I dearly wanted to share, because if you follow my work, you might be doing this too.
When we do not forgive people or situations, it’s akin to taking poison. We hold this betrayal close to our hearts and use it as an excuse to build layers. Layers around our hearts that prevent us from living freely and fully expressed in the world.
We feel like we aren’t worthy and deserving of love or big success, of money or other joys and goodness in life.
Forgiveness is the practice of accepting what has happened, of taking the lessons and allowing the person or situation to no longer take residence in our hearts and bodies as a layer around our hearts. As a reason to not deserve the purposeful work, the deep and fulfilling life, and the money we desire.
As I was practicing forgiving people and situations, what really came up for me is that I harbour a lot of blame towards myself.
I have very few people I feel have harmed me or done lasting damage.
I, myself, hold myself accountable for many situations in my life that I didn’t handle with ease and grace. That I messed up. Boyfriends I’ve cheated on. Hearts I’ve broken. Meetings I didn’t show up for because I was hungover. Friendships I spoiled because I didn’t understand their sensitivities or I couldn’t say no so I had agree to show up to their party and another friends dinner at the same time and chose the dinner instead of them.
So many situations where I hold myself accountable. To blame. Where I name and shame myself. Reasons I put between myself and the freedom and joy I yearn to feel.
‘You don’t deserve to feel free and be happy. You hurt X,Y,Z and you did this, that and the other.’
That’s an actual subconscious program that was running for me.
I wanted to share because I think you might have a similar program running.
That you’ve made mistakes and messed up, that you’ve hurt people and therefore are unworthy and undeserving of your deepest desires.
This is not true.
We all hurt others and get hurt by others. We all mess up and make mistakes. It’s part of being human.
I now release you from the guilt and shame that layers your heart and prevents you from feeling how you really desire to feel : FREE, POWERFUL, CREATIVE, SUCCESSFUL, JOYFUL.
May you heart feel fully.
Life’s short, be sassy.
Ps. If you’d like to get your hands on my forgiveness practices - click here and send me an email.
What if there's nothing wrong with you?
Hey babe,
One thing everyone in my audience has in common - whether you’re male, female, live in Australia or Great Britain. Whether you believe in Gay Marriage or don’t want to have kids or whatever the hell you believe - is this:
We feel like there is always something/s wrong with us that require FIXING.
Like there is some hole in us and once we fill that hole, then we’ll be happy/free/successful/joyful.
Now, I don’t blame you or myself for feeling that way. Because our society is designed to make us feel that way - so we buy things that people sell to fix ourselves or to fill the gap.
Today I invite you to ponder another thought.
What if, just for this moment there is nothing wrong with you? Nothing to change, nothing to fix and no where to strive to be.
How does that feel?
Joyful? Freeing? Assuring? Life affirming? Maybe even a little bit scary… because you’ve been holding on to the struggle for so long that, what if you don’t have to struggle anymore?
Mmm… delightful.
I’ve made a short, sweet meditation to help you get in touch with this feeling of wholeness and peace. If you’d like to get your mits on it - send me an email by clicking here and I’ll send the meditation your way.
Because babe, you are enough. Just the way you are. Once you can accept that, then you can create real change and impact in your life. Real expansion and growth.
I’m here to help us all experience that.
Life’s short, be sassy.
The Number One Reason You're Feeling STUCK Right Now
I did a live stream in my Facebook group a few weeks ago.
You can check it out by clicking the image below. Otherwise, read on for a break-down of the live.
The number one reason you’re feeling stuck, frustrated and lacklustre about life is because you haven’t taken meaningful, aligned ACTION.
See, we often have ideas and then think ourselves out of making a start on them.
‘I wouldn’t know where to start anyway.’
‘I bet there are plenty of other people doing it already.’
‘I don’t know enough, I’m not qualified enough, I’d have to study a four year degree before I could begin.’
Bla, bla bla…
On and on we go with WHY WE CAN’T DO THIS THING.
So we don’t take any action and we allow this idea to float to the pile of dead ideas we had and never acted upon.
The biggest thing we don’t action on is the one secret dream we have hidden inside. The one thing we’ve put up on a pedestal and kept from the world (and ourselves) because we thought ourselves out of it YEARS, even DECADES AGO.
I created a sweet and simple 5 step plan to help you take action on this secret dream and stop feeling stuck, literally TODAY.
Life’s short, be sassy.
Honey, a sweet reminder for you..
This is a reminder that you are enough, you’re doing enough, you have enough.
So just sit with that for a minute.
Stop running around trying to prove yourself by constantly DOING.
The world won’t fall apart.
You won’t be any less loveable or acceptable if you don’t tick off the entire list.
You’re enough just the way you are.
Life’s short, be bold.
How to get unstuck [using just your thoughts]
Have you ever noticed that what you focus on grows?
Like when you buy a new car you suddenly see that type of car everywhere?
Or you're thinking about an ex and all of sudden you think you're seeing them in the shopping centre, on the sidewalk and even in your dreams?
I always work on thought processes with my clients because this is one very conscious way to shift our point of focus.
But how does this work?
Our brains receive more stimuli than they can functionally process.
Stimuli from our eyes (oo there’s a plain, there’s my lover, someone is in my way..), our skin (these pants feel nice on my skin, ouch! That paper cut hurt), our ears (music, that plane flying overhead, that dripping tap, ticking clock..), our noses (someone farted! yuk!), then there’s the inner working of our bodies and all the messages being transmitted to ensure it’s functioning.
Basically. There’s a lot of activity.
So, our subconscious mind filters out what we don’t need to focus on. What is not important. Otherwise we would be overwhelmed with stimuli and unable to function.
What makes something ‘important? Whether or not it is a potential threat, or if we have deemed it important according to our belief systems and programming.
But we can shift this up quite rapidly by consciously choosing what we focus on.
Let me give you an example:
Take a moment to look up from your screen and around the room.
Now, what was the most dominant colour you saw in your scan of the room?
Cool. So now I want you to think about the colour green.
Emeralds, green grass, green leaves on the trees…
Now take another scan of the room.
More green this time right? Because you told your brain (well I did…) to search for green.
Our brains have a way of looking for more of what we want it to focus on.
So… let’s bring it back to ‘what you focus on grows’.
The more you focus on your problems - how lost and stuck you feel for example, the more your brain will find more ways that you can feel stuck and lost.
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” —Albert Einstein.
So we need to use a different kind of thinking, purposeful thinking and we can change our situation with our thoughts alone.
A solution kind of thinking.
Shift your focus to - what would you prefer your life to look and feel like? What would it look like if you were free and life was flowing?
As you think about these questions, your brain will scan your environment and your life for examples of how everything is working and flowing for you.
The more you think about how everything is working for you… the more examples will show up in your life to prove everything is working.
If you want some help shifting your focus and creating a more fulfilling, free-feeling, happy, joyeous and creative life?I’m here to help.
Book in for a clarity call today by clicking here.
Life's short, be bold.
This is your permission slip ::: Take Bold Action Today.
If you’ve been waiting for a sign, or permission…
If you’ve been waiting until you’re ready or until you know more or you’ve got your PhD…
Please know that what you’re waiting FOR, you’re waiting WITH and there will be no forward momentum until you take action.
And it’s not until you take bold action that the universe can respond to you and give you the answers you desire.
So stop waiting.
Because it’s weighing you down.
Start taking action, however small, toward making your dream reality.
Want to be a writer? Find a publication you’d like to be featured in, set a date for two weeks time, read their guidelines and get writing.
Want to start a business?Check the concept by pitching the idea to someone in the field. Get some feedback. Create a prototype or package list.
Don’t know what you want? Shift your focus from ‘I dont know what I want’ to ‘I want to know what I want. What is it that I enjoy? And go do what you enjoy. In this state of actively enjoying what you’re doing, you’ll be presented with more of what you enjoy.
Time’s up, no more waiting.
If you’re ready to take BOLD ACTION, I’m here to hold your hand. Book in for a complimentary clarity call today.
Click here to book your 30 minute clarity call.
Life’s short, be sassy.
How to align with your Desires [even when you don't know what they are]
Your soul knows exactly what you want and what you need.
In every moment, of every day your soul knows.
Trouble is, we're so busy doing this to feel good enough that we don't make time to listen.
*raises hand*
I've spent most of life in this mode. It looks like this:
'What the hell do I want? How am I supposed to 'just be me'? What am I going to do? What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough?'
In a big massive chain just like that.
Then cue insane action driven by the fear that I'm not enough the way I am.
* wash the dishes
* hang the laundry
* write for 20 minutes
*journal for 20 minutes
* meditate for 20 minutes
* yoga for 30 minutes
* go for a run
*work really hard
* do
then, maybe then... once that list is all ticked off I can relax and feel good about myself.
Sound familiar?
That kind of thinking will never get you in alignment with YOUR DESIRES.
Here's what will:
I have 3 spots open in a verrrrry special intensive one month program helping you to do just this. Helping you get from stuck to flow. From stuck to decision. From stuck to direction. From stuck to purpose. From stuck passion. From stuck to FUN!
It's all about helping you align with your soul and find your direction.
Because, like I said, soul knows.
You just gotta practice listening and I'm here to help you do just that.
Would you like to join me?
book today by clicking here and you'll get a discount.
LIfe's short, be sassy.
Playing BIG
What I’ve come to learn through working with brilliant women is that our Inner Critic likes to crop up the most when we feel extremely vulnerable. One of the times this vulnerability comes up is in sharing our big secret dreams. In admitting to themselves and others that they do, in fact, want to write. Or they do, in fact, want to start a business or speak on stages or work online and travel around the world.
Just admitting this brings up a bunch of fear-filled phrases,
‘Oh I couldn’t do that!’
‘I can’t show up online like other women do.’
‘I have nothing interesting to say.’
‘I wouldn’t know where to start, really.’
‘I’d need to get another degree/take another course/study more’
Why is this the moment that the Inner Critic steps in?
Because the Inner Critic’s job is to keep us safe. Feeling vulnerable and exposed? Feeling that failure could be imminent ? Expressing our ideas and afraid that we might be laughed at? I can’t think of any better reason for the Inner Critic to step in and pull us back into our comfort zone and keep us safe, could you?
Which is why I’m so passionate about working with women to build self-worth, to manage their self-doubt and their demons so they can take the big leap and follow their big dreams, their big… so they can PLAY BIG.
There is not one woman I’ve spoken to over the years who doesn’t have a big dream. Some big something they would like to do. There’s also not a one who isn’t petrified at the start of the journey to creating that dream into reality and most of the steps along the way.
So if you’re ready to take the leap and you’re Inner Critic has convinced you not to because you’re :
‘Not ready yet.’
‘You don’t know enough.’
Please know that you’re not alone and I’m here to help you overcome this.
Life’s short, be sassy.
What Worthy ACTUALLY Feels Like
I used to look at women I admired and think they had no deep self-doubts at all. That they were perfectly confident, able, successful and that I was imperfect, unworthy, flawed and ultimately broken.
After working in this field for a few years and encountering incredible woman after incredible woman… what I’ve learned is…
We all suffer from self-doubt.
Even the ones who appear effortlessly confident and successful.
Dani Shapiro work has appeared in Elle, The New Yorker, The New York Times Book Review. She has taught in the writing programs at Columbia University and NYU. By anyone’s account of she has more than enough evidence to say that she’s a successful writer and yet, here’s what she says about self-doubt in her writing process:
“We all have this voice, I call it our inner sensor. It’s always sitting on our shoulder in some way and it says different things to each of us. It says, ‘You’re stupid,’ or, ‘Someone else did it better,’ or, ‘How dare you?’ What right do you have?’ … The practice is in quieting that voice, not banishing it.
So what does it feel like to feel Worthy, to feel Confident, to finally feel like you’re doing enough, you are enough you have enough? That you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing YOU ARE OKAY JUST THE WAY YOU ARE? Nothing to fix, nothing to prove, nothing more to do?
It feels like moments of bliss. Moments of peace. Moments of ease.
But mostly, it’s an ongoing dialogue with your Inner Critic.
‘You can’t do that! You’re going to fail!’
‘Thank you for you input, but I know I can do this.’
‘But, but, you’re going make a fool of yourself!’
‘That’s okay, it’s not going to be that bad. I’m going to do a draft. Then another and another. It’s going to be a long road before anyone sees this work.
And on and on…
Over time your dialogue might get softer and might be gentle. It’s all part of the #deeppractice that comes with managing your #deepdoubt.
Life’s short, be sassy.
Your Inner Wise Woman
Just like your Inner Critic, you also have an Inner Wise Woman. You just might have been under your Inner Critic’s spell for so long you haven’t heard the wisdom in quite some time.
How do you know your Inner Critic has been in charge?
You identify negatively with yourself. This shows up differently for us so you negative identification could show up in:
Your working/professional life (striving, over-doing, proving yourself)
The mirror (disliking what you see and being negative)
Your relationships
You think/believe this negative voice IS YOU. You can’t seem to identify any other voices, this mean voice is ‘who you are.’
Loud, irrational thought. The Inner Critic tends to be loud and bossy while Inner Wisdom is more quiet, guidance.
This third point leads on to all the practices that remind us to be present, slow down and find peace and quiet. For me, the regular practice of yoga, meditation and journaling are all designed to quieten Rosie and amp up the wisdom of Antiqua. Antiqua is my inner wise woman. The one who is already where I want to be. Who is calm, peaceful, knowledgeable and wise.
You have your own internal Antiqua. Your eternal guidance, compass and wisdom. The woman who has all the answers you will ever require.
If you’d like some help meeting her, join me for a Self Worth Session where we’ll Master Your Inner Critic and connect with Your Inner Wise Woman so she can take the lead from now on.
You’re designed to Play Big and do work that is meaningful to you. It’s just that, more often than not, your Inner Critic has convinced you to fear the things that will bring you the most satisfaction, fulfilment and joy.
Let’s turn that around. Your Inner Wise Woman will guide you to your big work and the exact steps to accomplish it.
Life’s short, be sassy.