YOUR PURPOSE + How Easy It Is to find!

So you really, really, really just WANNA KNOW what to do with your life… right?

Feeling lost, stuck, frustrated, a waste of space… like you are wasting a whole lot of potential.

All you want is to find your passion work, your purpose, your ONE THING that you were here to do.

Well… it’s been under your nose the entire time!

Because, guess what?


Before you start shrieking that you don’t know who you are or what the hell you’re here to do… take a breath and hang with me.

Here are a few beliefs I hold about the world and life (you can accept or reject them but, hear me out):

ONE: We are souls in a human body. We have many lifetimes that we come to different human forms to learn different lessons. I believe we choose these lessons before we are born, in fact that leads to number two.

TWO: We choose our parents. I believe we choose our parents and what they pass on to us creates the grounds on which we learn our lessons.

THREE: As babies we are born as our perfect selves - we are most WHO WE TRULY ARE. As we grow older we create stories based on experiences in our lives about who we are and how life is for us. These stories become our beliefs - thoughts we think to ourselves over and over again that keep us safe.

FOUR: As we grow older, these stories no longer serve us but we have kept them because they kept us safe. So it’s our job to unravel these old stories and tell new ones.

FIVE: Our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts influence our feelings, our feelings influence our actions and our actions create our reality. So if we want to CHANGE our reality (or change the story we’ve been telling) we must begin with our thoughts.

SIX: Every problem we have in our lives can be traced to not feeling good enough about ourselves not loving/accepting ourselves.

So if your problem right now is YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE IS… and I’m telling you that your CORE PURPOSE IS TO BE YOURSELF… and you’re getting frustrated with me…

There is some area (or many) in which you are telling yourself a story about not being good enough. Something about yourself that you do not accept and do not love.

This is where the real work lies - to finding your purpose or solving any problem in life really. Working on the areas in which you do not love and accept yourself.

Because when you are expressing, showing up and creating as your truest, creative and expressive self? The world is your playground.

You get to show up and follow your passions and interests.. you know yourself and with that comes deep wisdom…

You’ll know what you’re here to do.

It really can be that easy.

Life’s short, be bold.



Frustrated that you haven't "arrived yet?" ... be kinder to yourself and read on...


Part 3: Build your own life map for deeper meaning, fulfilment and happiness