You get to make what you wish... of this one wild and precious life

When I was 17, my dad gave me a birthday card I’ll never forget. It said “Life is a great, big canvas. So throw all the paint on it you can!”.

Here’s a secret that lies in those words when it comes to you, your life and what you’re here to do.


Your purpose isn’t outside of you. It’s not something you find in a pamphlet, or a list of subjects, courses or professions.

It’s something you get to decide. Something you get to choose.

If you don’t know what your purpose is, you either don’t know yourself well enough, or you’re terrified of making the wrong choice, don’t trust yourself enough to push through failure to succeed.

Because when we know that our life is our creation, that means it’s also all of our responsibility. If we don’t know, like and trust ourselves then that’s a scary weight to handle.

So we hide behind, “I don’t know,” because that’s easier. Not satisfying, but easier than the weight of responsibility or the pain of potential failure.

But if you’re anything like me, and if you are reading this I’m guessing you are, you won’t stay in that discomfort forever. You’re DYING to figure out what you’re here for and to THROW YOURSELF into work that is deeply meaningful to you.

If you’re ready to jump out of feeling stuck, confused, lost and unsatisfied and ready to start feeling free, successful, at peace and aligned, then start with you.

Start with saying yes to you and lock in a clarity call today. It’s a 20-30 minute complimentary session with me where we get LASER CLEAR on where you are stuck, why you’re stuck and how to get where you’d like to be!


Life’s short, be bold.



Some Unpopular Opinions That Will Set You FREE.


Don't know who you are or what to do with your life?