May you find the joy in being you {A Poem}

May you find the joy in being you.

In your thick thighs that meet in the middle and maybe even rub together but carry you through your life with strength.

In your blemished skin that flushes red when you’re cold but still informs your brain that you need an extra layer of clothing today.

In your hair that is a curly mess and looks nothing like the women in the magazines or on TV but women with straight hair envy and tell you so.

In the way you desire more from life and yet, you don’t know what that is but you’re so keen to figure it out.

In the way you smile and laugh at things others probably don’t understand but you still attempt to share.

May you find the joy in being you and create the work the world needs from you.

Life’s short, be sassy.


Ps. Struggling to find the joy in being you? Send me an email by clicking here and I’ll share a meditation with you.


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