What anxiety really means

Feeling anxious about your work, about your studies, about a job interview?

Feeling anxious about someone's response to your text (or lack there of)?

Feeling anxious about signing on new clients, feeling anxious about putting your creative work out into the world?


There’s nothing WRONG with you.


Let’s flip this impression that anxiety is BAD. Anxiety, like all your feelings, is a messenger.

Want to know anxiety’s message?


Feeling anxious means you care.


You care about your work.

You care about your grades.

You care about getting the job.

You care about succeeding in business.

You care about getting your clients results.

You care about putting meaningful work into the world.

You care about the other person you're messaging.

If you weren't at all anxious, then there might be a problem.


Being anxious = caring.

You see ?


If you're feeling anxious about any of the above:

Remember to breathe (deeply into your belly)

Get out your journal and write about your anxiety (this will help to alleviate the anxiety, believe it or not)

Move your body - go for a walk/run/practice yoga/dance in your bedroom/whatever works for you. Movement gets you out of your head and into your body, it also can force you to breathe deeply (see above) and take your mind off the the thing that's making you anxious

Check in with any beliefs you have that are holding you back from allowing and trusting the result you want is yours and remove them (tapping, journaling, questioning techniques)

OR: book in with me.

Helping people deflate their anxiety and unravel is one of my gifts.

In fact, Unravel is just $110 right now. 3 sessions, 2 weeks, 1 personalised audio for you to keep.

Let's reduce your anxiety so you can breathe deeply and allow the next step forward to unfold with clarity and ease.


What if, just for today...


Let's talk about fear