Let's talk about fear

Fear of failure. (What if I fail?)

Fear of deficiency. (What if I am not/ don't have / do enough?)

Fear of missing out. (What if I'm not having as much fun? What if there's something else I must have/ I need / I want that I don't have).

I used to think these fears were personal. Mine and mine alone to bear.

Worrying about being good enough...

Stressing about not doing enough...

Caught up in comparison, doubting my own ability to create a meaningful life and meaningful work in the world.

As it turns out, these fears are universal.

Part of being human.

We all have them, in our own way.

We all have stories and defences, armour we've created around our fears to keep ourselves safe, secure, connected, belonging to our tribe.

We all have these fears and the thing is, they don't go away. They aren't unique to you, they are universal and they will always be with you.

Our work then, is to witness our fear, to be with our fear and to transmute our fear into something greater. Into something that expands us rather than something that makes us shy away and makes us smaller.

These are the tools I teach.

If you're ready to be with fear and move with fear and grow into who you came here to be..

Send me a message.

LIfe’s short, be bold.



What anxiety really means


Just creAte