What if, just for today...

”What if, just for today, you took the pressure off yourself?

What if, just for today, you stopped shoulding all over yourself?

What if, just for today, you did whatever your sweet soul sings to you?

What if, just for today, you smile a little more and judge yourself a little less?

What if, just for today, you approve of yourself instead of berating your every move?

What if, just for today, you let go and let love seep into the cracks?

What if, just for today, you permitted yourself to breathe, to dance, to laugh with wild abandon?

What if?

What if?

What if? “

If you’re anything like me there’s a little voice constantly reciting the list of things you ‘should’ be doing.

A little voice berating the way you do things and the rate you do them.

A little voice who compares your work to others. Your life to others. Your body to others.

This little voice creates a chasm between where you are and where you desire to be and with every should and ever comparison, with every perceived failure the chasm grows.

This is the voice that puts the pressure on.

Do more.

Be better.

Try harder.

Work. Work. Work.

Do. Do. Do.

What I’ve learned in recent years is that this voice will always be with me. It also plays it’s role. It does drive me to work well, to strive and to try.

But it also need not be in the driver’s seat. That’s MY job.

So, some days, I sit back and thank the voice for its effort and give it the day off.

Just for the day.

Just for now.

Just for this moment.

Try it some time and let me know how you go.

(It’s easier said than done, I know).

Life’s short, be bold.



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