The Three Biggest Reframes That Will Help You Find Your Purpose

I know how frustrating it can be watching your peers and your idols showing up day in and day out sharing their work with the world when you still have no idea what you want to be when you grow up.

I know how painful it can be to feel like your life is passing before you and you haven’t found your ‘thing’, you haven’t made your contribution.

I know how low one can get when you’re so focused on everything you haven’t done yet and how you’re constantly falling short when it comes to work and career.

Here are the top three mindset shifts that will help you find your purpose. Please, take a deep breath and read with an open mind. These shifts have the power to change your entire life, if you let them.

1. ‘I have to find my one thing that is my purpose in life.’


‘My purpose in life is to be so aligned with my soul, to be who I really am and then follow what lights me up.’

I know this can sound like a useless piece of information when you are struggling to make ends meet, when you don’t know who you are, when you’re not even sure what a soul is or how to connect with yours. But please, hear me out.

Your singular purpose is to be you.

Even in a planet of billions, there is no one exactly like you.

If you can just be YOU and if you can follow what lights you UP? You will be lead to the path that’s yours.

Check out Steve Jobs’ commencement speech at Stanford by clicking here to listen to his story of following is soul and intuition and how it lead him to creating Apple.

If you can embrace this reframe it can really free you up. Which also frees a lot of capable mental real estate from worrying about finding your purpose to getting on with being creative and solving problems.

Let’s move on.

#2. ‘The purpose of life is to find your gift and give it away freely.’

This is one I read time and time again on my own journey and it got me really hooked on the ‘one thing’ again.

REFRAME: ‘The purpose of life is to be so yourself and follow your soul/intuition and curiosity, then you’ll naturally share your gift/s with the world.’

Again, your purpose isn’t about one thing in the way we’ve been sold. You also have more than one gift. You are multi gifted with many strengths and have had a myriad of life experiences. These are all yours and unique to you. If you limit yourself to one gift, one method of expression, you’ll feel limited, you’ll reduce your search.

Open your mind to just being WHO YOU ARE and uncovering ALL THAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER.

Doesn’t that feel more exciting and freeing already?

#3: ‘My purpose has to be a job, career, title, pay me money.’

REFRAME: ‘My purpose is to be so myself and follow my soul/intuition and to do what lights me up.’

Your purpose is to be you. Getting the message here?

If we limit why we are here to a job title, a career, a mode of expression… we are limiting all that we can be.


You are unique. You have gifts, strengths and life experiences. You’ve had challenges (and will continue to face them).

The purpose of life is to live YOUR LIFE. The way that YOU LIKE. To be of service to others in a way that lights you up.

But on the way there, you may have to do work you don’t love and first find the LOVE in where you are.

But on the way there, you may have to struggle and strive and work hard.

Your purpose? It’s to be you. Because you’re the only you, born to specific circumstances. Your purpose is to be you and play the cards you’ve been dealt to the best of your ability.

Take on that reframe ?? And the world is your oyster.

If you’re still on your purpose journey, head to the connect section and book in for a clarity call. Let’s uncover your purpose, once and for all.

Be bold,



3 Questions for the End of 2021


What if, just for today...