3 Questions for the End of 2021

When anything in life comes to an end it’s quite normal to stand back for a moment and reflect.

At the end of a day, the end of a month, the end of school, or like now - the end of the year. So if you’re feeling a little nostalgic, contemplating what’s happened this year (or maybe what hasn’t happened) and thinking about what you’d like next year to be, it’s very common.

I have a journaling/ letter writing process to reflect on the end of the year and I’ll be adding these three very important questions to my journal process. You can buy this process in a pdf form of questions by clicking here.

Here are the questions 3 questions that will deepen your reflection process and enhance the experience for you whether you reached your goals or not.

  1. How did I grow this year?

    This refers to areas you pushed out of your comfort zone. Where did you push what you thought was possible? Where did you learn a new skill, start something new or even further master an existing skill? When we focus on growth whether the goal was reached or not, we focus on positives.

  2. What would I like to improve on from this year?

    What is something you did well, that you would like to improve on even more? OR what is something that didn’t go so well this year and you’d like to focus on improving?

  3. What can I celebrate?
    Big and small. What are the wins you can celebrate as the year winds to a close?

I hope these questions help you reflect on 2021 in a positive light and set you on the right footing for 2022.

If you enjoy journaling, check out The Journal Bundle in my shop where I share my favourite journaling techniques, tips and tricks to start and maintain a journaling practice and even create you a personalised audio to help motivate, inspire and uplift you to reach into 2022 with style.

Be bold,



Incorporate these in your life to feel confident in your direction in life


The Three Biggest Reframes That Will Help You Find Your Purpose