Just creAte

Dear creative soul,

The most important thing you need to hear today and follow through on is this:


Create every damn day.

Create whether you feel like it or not.

Create whether your creations make you money or not.


Because you were BORN to create.

Because you create your own deep understanding and connection with your soul and with all of life when you create.

Because you were MADE to be creative and with every thing you make you heal yourself and heal your perspective.

Because you are SUPPOSED to make MONEY from your art and your art is supposed to be a part of your own private and spacious unBECOMING. The more you make the more you get to the core of what you REALLY came here to make. Not what you think you should make, what you think will sell, what you think you think others think you should make!

All of your art whether saleable or not, whether it makes you dime or not is designed to walk you home.

Right back into yourself.

Right back to who you came here to be.

So create.

Create with wild abandon and know that everything you make is an extraction of your experience here in this body at this point in time.

Create and know that with every creation you’re peeling back layers and pulling out greater meaning, deeper connection and vital life force.

Create to connect.

The money will flow when it’s ready.

But you’ll be the person you came here to be and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters.

New 1:1 coaching spots available in a six week program unBecoming. 6 weeks, you and I to create, create, create, create and collect together a body of work while peeling back the layers of self-doubt, fear, shame and guilt.

If you’re ready to step into your next level creative self and put your work out into the world, let’s connect.

Life’s short, be bold.



Let's talk about fear


Your desires are walking you you home