Some Unpopular Opinions That Will Set You FREE.

I was walking along the beach today, listening to a Danielle La Porte podcast when I was hit with an unpopular opinion that struck me to my core. It freed me up inside a little. Allowed more space for my present reality, my present self.

More acceptance.

A few hours later, I was on Facebook, sharing a card reading in my group when I saw a post. Yet another unpopular opinion about purpose. I felt like I was being spoken to directly from the universe with these two messages, so I thought I’d share them with you too.

I hope this brings you more self acceptance. More acceptance and allowance for the way you are and the way your life is right now.

Even if you feel like you are lacking. Even if you feel like you haven’t arrived yet. Even if you feel like you have so much more to do and be and become.

Unpopular opinion #1:

“Legacy? I’m not really interested in the idea of leaving a legacy. If I die tomorrow and vanish from everyone’s memories, fine by me. I’m here for now. Do you want anyone to read your journals when you move on? Anyone? (Memoir writers, you can skip this question.) “

- Danielle LaPorte. Read/listen to full podcast:

When I was 5 or 6 years old, I remember having a vision. It was of the pages of a book. At the time I interpreted the vision to mean I’d make the history books, I was excited! I was going to do big things with my life!

In my adult life, particularly since delving into the online coaching world I’ve come across so much talk of legacy and felt almost pressured to want to build something lasting. Something big that will outlive me.

Part of it, in all honesty, was peer pressure - wanting to do what others were doing.

Another part of it was driven by fear. My own mortality and the fact that my time here could go unmarked, insignificant and momentary. To create something that out lives you is a way to live on, after your mortal death.

This idea of legacy, of building something, of wanting to be remembered, of wanting to go down in history (read: BE SOMEONE, BE SIGNIFICANT) creates a sense of striving, proving and doing for the sake of doing. As opposed to be driven by a movement, driven by a desire to help, to serve or to learn or to grow.

Hearing Danielle’s words this morning as I walked on a wide open beach, beneath an even wider, open blue sky, I felt my insignificance. Not in a small way. Not in a victim-hood way, but in a vast and accepting way. I’m so small. My life, my time here is so tiny when you think about the expanse that is time, or the trillions of people you have lived and will live.

What. A. Relief! What a bloody relief!

My failures? My shortcomings? My stress about leaving a mark or even finding a rental property to move into? Vanished in that moment.

Leaving behind the concept of legacy allows me to be more present right here. Right here and right now and to show up in my daily life as a very present, real and available person. Available to this moment, and this one and the next. Because, that’s really all we have anyway.

Unpopular opinion #2:

“I don’t think your life has to have a purpose, or you a grand ambition; I think it’s okay to just wander through life finding interesting things until you die.

I think this goes for art too; you can just make the kind of art you find interesting and you don’t have to plan some great arc to your literary career.

I think the traditional (Western, white) narrative arc has tricked way too many people into thinking their lives have to have one grand epiphany, some flash of great meaning and deep insight, when in reality most people experience these things in much smaller ways throughout life.

I think this also leads a lot of people to miss the stuff that actually makes them happy, because it’s mostly the small stuff. They spend their entire lives looking for a lightning strike and miss out on everything else.” —

For those of you who have found this website, this blog and myself you’ll most likely know that PULL, that yearning for something HUGE. Something BIG. That one. thing. That epiphany. That momentous occasion when everything in your life will just all line up, fall into place and make sense.

We yearn for that. We crave that. WE WANT THAT SO BADLY!

But what if, just what if… it’s all just a whole lot less momentous than that?

What if there are small epiphanies every day, small ah-hah moments?

What if our purpose is to be right here, right now and just do the best we can with what we have and where we are moment to moment?

What if it’s all far more mundane and day to day than we’d imagined?

And, what if we’re okay with that?

What if we can sit back into our insignificance, the small mundaneness of our life and just be in it. Be in all of it and enjoy it for what it is.

Not how we think it should be or how we would like it to be… but how it really is.

How our life is just now. Even if we don’t have the job we imagined, or are as wealthy as we’d like to be. IF we don’t have the beach bod or the dream career…

What if, by coming back to what we have and where we are and just being HERE…

we set ourselves free?

Be bold dear one,



Your desires are walking you you home


You get to make what you wish... of this one wild and precious life