Your desires are walking you you home

Every single desire you have is planted within you because you’re supposed to go for it.

Every single desire you have, no matter how unavailable and how far away it may seem was given to you because you have the capacity to attain it.

More importantly, every single desire you have is planted within you to help you expand and grow into the person you truly came here to be.

Think about it.

In the pursuit of anything you’ve ever desired you’ve had to shed beliefs, learn something new, create a new habit, unlearn some bad habits, make new friends, push yourself out of comfort zones and more…

THIS is really what your desires are for. They’re calling you home. Home to the part of yourself that knows what you’re here to learn, what you’re here to do and to be.

Every desire is valid and valuable whether you attain the desire or not. Because pursuing the desire unravels you and helps you learn, grow, change.

So if you’ve got a desire right now that’s frustrating you, that feels oh. so. far. away and like it will NEVER happen for you… it’s time to shift the perspective and fall in love with the process.

This thought came to me this morning as I was sitting by the pool in my brand new bikini. I wanted to take a selfie and post it - in my bikini! I almost laughed at the growth and how much I’ve FALLEN IN LOVE with my body and with my exercise practice.

You see, five years ago, losing weight my biggest desire. I was so uncomfortable in my body, in my clothes, in my self.. I was yearning to be thin, fit and healthy.

Katrina five years ago would never have taken that photo, or even dreamed of it. Katrina 5 years ago was overweight, flabby and not comfortable in her body.

Feeling confident in a bikini, in anything for that matter, felt so far away from me. So unobtainable.

As my mind wandered over this situation I laughed at how back then exercise had seemed painful, a bain. Something I HAD TO DO.

Whereas five years later? This morning? I was CRAVING moving my body because I haven’t had a chance to for a few days because we’ve been moving house.

What started as something that was so difficult - exercising - and I had to really FORCE myself to do… has now become something I can’t live without.

What it took to get there? Falling in love with the process. Creating the habit.

A habit I have to this day (daily yoga), which I absolutely love for more reasons than just fitness.

My desire for a thin, fit and healthy body has lead to a healthy practice that moves my body but also calms my mind, grounds me and invites me into stillness.

It was never about being thin and looking good, it was about learning to be with myself, to come home to myself.

Just like every single other desire you or I have.

It’s a call home.

To who you came here to be.

Life’s short, be bold.


The Desire Manifesto, BETA self-paced program is now open.

Learn the exact process I used to manifest my ideal weight, my beautiful clear skin, my purpose-driven work and upending my financial situation.

Create the life you desire, one desire as a time and become the person you know you came here to be.

Hit the contact button for more information. x


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