Your answers for you, You're welcome!
Don’t know what to be when you grow up?
Don’t know what your purpose is?
Don’t know what to do next?
I call bullshit.
And you know what?
I don't have all the answers for you like I promised in the title..
Deep down, you know. You know AND You ALWAYS have known.
You're just letting other voices get in the way. Read: Fear, doubt, limiting beliefs... lies.
But here’s the truth.
You get to choose.
Here’s the key to that sentence – YOU GET TO CHOOSE.
In every single moment, in every single situation – even if you don’t feel it is this way – you have a choice. You get to choose. Always.
So why are you running around trying to fill yourself with quick fixes, trying to quiet that inner voice with social media, books, conversation, alcohol, junk food, tv?
What you really need?
Where the answers lie?
In your heart.
Right there.
Walking around with you every moment of every day.
Your heart.
Keeping you alive and speaking to you in quiet gestures.
If only you could silence the noise.
If only you could say no.
No to distraction.
No to procrastination.
No to friends (from time to time)
No to alcohol.
If you could sit still, be with your heart.
If you would listen.
Really listen.
Your answers, your meaning, your purpose, your next move, your next choice? It’s right there.
Just ask and Listen In well.
Your heart is always speaking to you.
So pull out your pen and paper and let it speak to you.
From my dear heart to yours,
What is yours and what's been handed down...
“EVERY book is a quotation; and every house is a quotation out of all forests and mines and stone-quarries; and every man is a quotation from all his ancestors.”
I'm writing to you from my childhood home. The place in far north Queensland, on the outskirts of Townsville where I first walked, spoke my first words and ate my first piece of kangaroo poo. Yes, it's true and no, kangaroo poo is not a part of the NQ diet.
Tucked in under the doona of the queen bed that now fills most of my childhood bedroom come spare room, two shelves of stuffed toys watching over me, I reflect on the child I was growing up here.
I reflect on the quotation that I am of this place, my parents, their parents and the people who lived in this town, this country before me.
If you need a reason to write, let it be this;
Learning as you write what it is you really THINK, FEEL, BELIEVE.
Inquiring as to where those beliefs come from and what they mean, how they facilitate what you are, who you are and how you live.
We are most certainly quotations of our ancestors -- have you ever taken the time to stop and reflect on what they have given you. Other than life. What beliefs? What ideals? What is yours and what are theirs?
Is it time to stop and reassess your values? What is yours and what was simply given to you without your attention?
With heart,
Which wolf are you feeding?
Have you heard the story about the Cherokee Indian teaching? The one about the two wolves.
It's been doing the rounds on the internet and it's recounted in more than a handful of books.
It goes like this:
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
How do you feed the wolves?
With your words.
Which Wolf are you feeding?
What words are you using?
With heart,
image from pinterest;
Do you knock back compliments?
I was sitting in the loungeroom with my boyfriend the other day, using him as a lounge chair actually, as I was sharing my idea for a new project. I was loosely hanging from his neck, relaxed and comfortably babbling about my idea and how it might look.
He paused and looked at me the way I look at him when he's in the kitchen (did I tell you he's a chef?) with adoration and curiosity. 'You're really clever, ' he said. I could feel my body clench as the words came from his lips, rejecting the statement before he had even finished it. I sent his pretty compliment sailing straight back into his face, 'Oh no, I'm not. Loads of people have done the same thing...'
I could hear the words I was saying like I was hearing someone else speak. Simultaneously I could feel the sadness in my heart. Not only was one part of me saying, 'I'm not clever', there was another deep part of myself claiming that, in fact, I was dumb. 'My business isn't making any money, I'm still a waitress, I can't be that clever...'
Immediately my heart felt heavy. My body felt heavy. I could have sat there and cried for an hour.
In an instant I had closed off, refusing a gift. Refusing his gift to me. The energy of the moment changed, as the air filled with my negativity and doubt.
Now, this was only two days ago. Even with all that I know, even with all the work I do on my words and my worth... I still allow that negative voice in my head to get carried away.
It was a window into the direct impact of my words on the world around and inside of me.
Every day I sit down with my mindercise booklet and work on my mind. I work on rebuilding those negative neural pathways in my brain with positive, strengthening ones.
It seems I have a lot of work to do.
I'm sure many of you can relate to this experience of self-doubt and negativity. Am I right?
Are you aware of the words you say and think and about yourself?
How they are impacting your action, reaction and response to the world and others??
Are you limiting yourself and your life and your opportunities???
Worth thinking about isn't it?
Psstt... I've got a FREE e-book that helps you take a look at your WORDS + WORTH. Get it here!
With heart,
Do you notice your words?
In my work as a journal muse – teaching women how to use writing as therapy – I've become accustomed to listening. In between bouts of writing and different activities, we often share our experiences. It is here that I became acutely aware of the correlation between people's words and their worlds.
Someone who is having a rough time, a down patch, will use words like can't, not, no, shouldn’t. Phrases like, 'I couldn't do that,' 'I couldn't believe they did that to me.' 'How could this be happening to me?' 'I couldn't do that.' 'They have a problem, not me.'
Those in a better headspace, who are doing well? Tend to use words like can, yes, sure, I'll do my best. Phrases like, 'I listened and really tried to understand.' 'I'm really happy that he's doing so well.' 'This is great!' 'I am really enjoying myself.' 'I learned a lot'.
Notice the difference?
Words create worlds. Of this I am certain.
Have you ever stopped to listen to your own words and reflect on how they are creating your world? Are you aware of the words you use on a regular basis?
Are they creative or destructive?
Positive or negative?
Get my free Words + Worth e-book to read about the impact words have on your self-worth and therefore, your entire life... PLUS how to change your words.
With heart,
Listen in
You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say. ~ Paulo Coehlo, The Alchemist
This morning I became aware of a frustration. A deep-seated agitation. A boredom.
A stirring beneath the otherwise calm waters of my being.
My rational mind went into 'fix it' mode.
Maybe we need something spontaneous?
Maybe we need a hike?
Maybe, maybe, maybe trying desperately to patch over the problem. To fix it.
When we get into solution mode, we avoid sitting with the problem, sitting in the emotion. We are avoiding listening to our hearts. Listening to what is going on beneath the false exterior.
As inclined as I was to call it a day and go for a wander in the forest... a deeper part of me instructed that this is exactly the time one writes.
So write I did.
If you want to know the journal technique I used to get myself out of frustration/agitation/itchy feet and into excitement, spontaneity and joy... send me an email!
You can't escape your heart.
It's within you.
You are so much better off listening to it.
By the time I'd written five pages of dialogue with my heart, I knew what it was I really needed to do.
It wasn't running away for adventure; that's a band-aid attempt. That's a quick fix.
It was doing what my heart most desires: write.
What's your heart telling you right now??
Are you listening?
With a big, juice, full heart,
It all comes down to you
I sat down this morning to write.
The first thing I did? Open emails.
Rookie error, I know.
Immediately, I was sucked into another online course.
An online course offered by one of my online idols.
Another online course that sounded like it was going to solve all of my problems. It was about business, about making this thing work ONLINE. I felt like this one course would change my mindset and all my business/cash flow problems would be solved. It was the answer. The magic key.
I'd be forced to leave my hospitality job for all the clients coming at me, for all the work I had to do on my own business.
I was sold.
I was in.
This course? Yes please!
I paused .
What I really need to do? I thought to myself... is the work.
I need to show up. I need to do the writing. No one else can do it for me.
Just like no one else can do anything for you.
We can help and we can receive help. But, at the end of the day, someone helping you isn't going to do the work for you.
If you want to change any aspect of your life - you have to do the mental work, the energetic work, the physical work.
Remember that.
Signing up for a course, working with a mentor, hiring a personal trainer...
(I'm still taking the course, I'm just aware that I'm going to do the work.)
With heart,
image via:
Your words, your worth, your life
Words are building blocks.
Blocks that create thoughts.
Thoughts become beliefs.
Beliefs become actions, reactions and responses...
to situations, to life, to others, to yourself.
Watching YouTube videos of Monkey Magic this morning (remember that???)
I was taken aback by this line in the introduction:
Buddha said, "With our thoughts, we make the world."
I believe this is truth.
Your words make your thoughts and your thoughts make your world.
What are you making with your words??
Got no clue?
Get your free Word Tracker here.
With heart,
What treasure are you hiding?
"Whenever there is a strong lock used there is something extremely precious hidden. The thicker the veil, the more valuable the jewel. A hoard of treasure is guarded by a large snake; do not dwell on the hideousness of the snake, contemplate the dazzling and the priceless things you'll discover in the treasure." ~ Rumi
Where do you hide?
What do you shy away from?
Where do you lie?
What do you keep hidden behind a strong lock?
Could it be your greatest treasure, your greatest gift is kept behind the locked door inyour mind?
We all crave to really be seen. Seen for who and what we are. Light, dark and every shade in between.
You know what I mean.
You've been hurt too.
Someone, once, told you to be quiet.
Stop doing that. We don't say those things.
So you shut up.
You tucked parts of yourself away.
Behind closed doors.
Maybe even chains and locks.
I've done it too.
We all have.
But imagine if what Rumi wrote is the truth?
What if our greatest treasure is hidden behind the greatest locks?
What have you locked away?
Join me for Words, Worth & Luminosity to explore this concept in depth.
Class starts August 27.
(image from Pinterest... "Sublimation" by Leslie Ann O’Dell
External validation, pats & the bandaid effect
I always viewed
[until now]
my need for external validation a negative trait
because it kept me seeking, searching, striving, trying for MORE external validation.
Like a puppy seeking a pat on the head,
"good girl, good girl".
I'm sure you can relate to that right?
In this sense, it isn't really a positive trait because it keeps me in that cycle of
[away from self]
People pleasing.
Recently I've experienced a large amount of
unasked for,
un-strived for,
unsought after external validation.
[And yes my ego bathes in this like that puppy getting a tummy rub all day long...]
BUT, this kind of external validation has made me
grasp inwards
[toward my self]
This kind of external validation
[the kind I'm not solely relying on for my sense of self-love and acceptance...]
has actually boosted my overall sense of self
It's given me greater perspective and simultaneously greater self-acceptance.
External validation has acted like a bandaid.
Allowing my wounds to heal beneath the plastic and gauze.
Allowing my ego to patch itself up as only the body knows how.
All external validation isn't negative.
It's about our perspective on it.
Does it make you grasp inwards?
To become more of yourself?
If it does? Then leave the bandaid on and ride it out.
Seeking, solstice, your answers lie within
All the answers you seek exist already.
They are not in another online course.
Not hidden between the pages of a self-help book or your Facebook Feed. (Trust me, I've tried looking for answers there for years!)
Your answers are not in affirmations (as great as they are).
Your answers already exist.
You just can't hear them because you're so busy grasping outwards.
Trying to find the answers.
Filling your void with courses, study, food, parties and anything else that you can find.
Which, in fact, only fills the void with pointless noise.
Noise. Noise. Noise.
Not answers.
Your answers exist.
Trust me.
Your answers are being whispered by your soul, daily.
But that's the thing about our souls.
They speak in whispers.
The voice of discernment does not scream and yell.
No, no, that's our friend FEAR.
(False Evidence Appearing Real).
See FEAR likes to carry on.
Because fear is, well, afraid.
What do we do when we are startled in the
We yell.
We scream.
'Watch out!'
'What was that?!'
Fear doesn't really know any other way to speak.
Fear tends to carry on SO extravagantly, SO loudly that he drowns out our discerning voice of soul.
How do we turn the volume down on Fear?
We sit still.
We breathe.
We listen well.
What better time to do so than winter solstice?
Today is the shortest day of the year.
Winter is well and truly here and what better space to tuck up with a hot water bottle, a journal and pen some words on paper.
What better time to snuggle up and listen...
To have chat with your inside people.
Here are some questions for you to ask of your higher self... your soul... <3
What do I most need to hear right now?
What is the one most important action I can take today?
What is my highest value right now.
What do I most need to learn?
With heart,
Grasping outwards
We're all grasping
out towards something, someone;
a relationship, a career, a job.
a move, a house, a trip.
What are we all moving AWAY from?
Our worn, weary, anxious selves?
Or the one thing that would cease the eternal outward clambering?
Our deep inner lives.
This external world is [can be]
Travel. Surfing. Swimming. Hiking. Nature.
This external world is not [doesn't have to be]
Grasping at it for our happiness.
Grasping [at this world] for our sense of self,
Our sense of identity...
This where suffering derives from
Suffering is believing that by being doing or having something [or someone]
We will FEEL a certain way.
[happier than we are without it]
Suffering is realising on arrival that the thing we desired did not
Make us FEEL that way
Suffering is the gap between beliefs and reality [what is]
The endless, eternal and SHIFTING, outward grasp.
If we are lucky we learn tools.
We meditate.
We practice yoga.
We hike.
We make music.
We laugh.
We journal.
We sit.
We be.
We spend time with our INSIDE PEOPLE.
If we are lucky
we arrive at the knowledge that we are [exactly] where we need to be.
And EVERYTHING [in this moment] is perfect.
As are we.
This doesn’t mean we do not exist in the external world.
For it is always there.
We always exist inside of it.
Or, perhaps, it exists inside of us.
We just learn to act and not GRASP.
We move from heart rather than being driven by fear.
We do not expect externalities to;
We learn to accept what is.
We learn to accept ourselves.
Nuns, habits and... prostitutes?
A trickle of water slides down the passenger window
sluggishly like the morning traffic in lanes beside me.
On the curb stiletto heels
black pleather, 4 inches catch my eye.
Her back to me yet easily i see black makeup
sliding down her cheek...
her cheek worn like an outdoor settee
in far north Queensland sunshine
beaten by the sun, the rain and the sun again.
The traffic before me surges forward;
no faster than the drip snaking down my window.
My eyes peel from the lady of the night
fingering clothes in a second hand store
to the whites of a holy woman
walking by her.
Head to toe she is covered, down to her thongs
in clean, pressed white.
Her habit covers head and reminds me, once again
'Practice makes habit'
and oh, how our habits
Create our reality.
What we do day in and day out lines up to create our lives.
Here's a fun activity to show you if your life is aligned with your values.
Take your journal and some quiet time to reflect...
What do you VALUE? What is important to you in your life?
Forme it's family, friends, my time, words, writing, travel, adventure, good food, good wine, laughter, creativity, sharing. As a few examples
Once you have listed a handful of values, I invite you to answer the following questions
In an average week, where do you spend;
Your time
Your money
Your energy
Now cross check where you spend your time, energy and money with your values. Do they align?
Take a moment now to write a reflective paragraph. This might include an action step or action steps if your values did NOT align.
Remember, what you do every day is the life you are creating and who you are becoming.
With heart,
Neurons, imagination and change
We all have it.
We all use it .
Maybe we aren't all as conscious of our use of imagination as others.
Worry? Imagination.
Fear? Can invoke imagination when we create stories of what might happen in the future.
Anxiety? Also a misuse of imagination.
Often our anxiety is an accumulation of thoughts about what might potentially happen at some point in the future... right?
How are you using your imagination?
To create the life you want to lead? To create situations you WANT to happen in your life?
Or do you use imagination to move away from what you want in your life?
Did you know...
Neurons that fire together, wire together.
(What's a neuron, you ask? A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. It's a cell that communicates. There are many neurons throughout the brain that all talk to each other.)
So when something happens in your life, say, neurons who are communicating together to transmit information 'wire together', meaning they create a pathway that becomes familiar to them.
This can be anything from exercise, habitual work patterns, habitual word choices, stories we tell, feelings and emotions.
When you repeat the activity, exercise, emotion -- your neurons sigh, 'aha, we know this one!'
According to scientists (if this kind of reading gets your goat, get your hands on a copy of Norman Doidge's 'The Brain That Changes Itself'), what we IMAGINE and what we SEE OTHERS DO lights up the same parts (or neural pathways) in our brains as if WE ARE participating in the activity.
This is terribly exciting news for our imagination and for those of us who desire to create change in our lives.
It's also the reason visualisation and guided meditations are so very powerful.
I also believe we can achieve the same state through WRITING.
Through using our imagination – imagining how we would like our lives to be, and then writing about it (while simultaneously FEELING the way we want to feel).
Try this;
1. Think of an area of your life you would like to change or improve in some way.
2. Get into a comfy position and listen to this meditation OR simply use any meditation form you use to get yourself relaxed and then bring to mind the situation as YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO BE. Really feel into this situation as you would like it to be. How do you feel? What is happening? What do you see? What do you smell? What do you taste? What do you see?
3. When you are ready, open your eyes, collect your pen and write about this situation in positive, active language as though it already exists.
Want to go deeper into creating personal change?
Let's line up some 1:1 time. Tell me your story;
By candlelight; writing & ritual
Writing, just like prayer, yoga or a morning routine can be likened to ritual. Similar to creating an altar to pray before or rolling out a mat for yoga you can create sacred space for writing.
In fact, I invite you to do so and watch how your practice changes.
The ceremonial use of light is familiar to most religions, faiths and beliefs. Be it candles, fire, or the rising and setting of the sun. Light, fire, like all elements is seminal to ritual.
I often light a candle before a journaling session.
The candle light, to me, symbolises illumination, energy and life force.
Lighting a candle also adds to a sense of ritual around the writing process.
It's also a beautiful bookend – light the candle before you write, blow it out when you finish.
I love simple rituals, simple activities.
Next time you write, why not try a candle or incense?
If your candles are scented or you choose incense – there's a whole set of reasons to delight your olfactory system while you write.
The F Word
We all have it.
We all know it.
The F Word.
Yep, you guessed it, I'm talking about
The voice that whispers, sometimes throbs or even yells.
“who do you think you are?”
“what if people laugh at you?”
“what if you aren’t good enough?”
Fear has stopped me from doing things I really wanted to do.
Where in your life is fear holding YOU back?
\\ writing that book?
\\ telling that man you love him?
\\ quitting that job?
\\ taking that trip?
Here's something I learned about fear through journaling --- fear is there for a purpose. A reason. Often that reason is just down right ridiculous and out of place. It comes from old places and different times.
I've also learned that Fear likes to be acknowledged.
Cuddle up to your fear and have a chat... here's how:
grab your journal and answer a few questions;
Bring to mind a certain situation that brings you fear. Really feel that fear. Notice where fear sits in your body. How does it feel? Notice the weight, texture, temperature, colour, size. Is fear inside your body or outside? Maybe it expands from the inside out. Take some time to describe fear in your body.
Now that fear as a size, a shape, a weight, a PRESENCE, I invite you to dialogue with fear. (This takes some creativity and imagination but roll with me here… and you’ll be surprised). Fear can have a monologue or you can converse… Here are some conversation starters;
\\ 'Why are you present, fear? What do you need to say?
\\ ‘How can we work together?’
When you’re done, re read what you’ve written and take time to write a reflective paragraph. As you read, notice what arises for you, notice your somatic experience (what you feel in your body). Notice if there are any action steps you can take.
Fear still got you tangled in a knot?
Get your FREE Courage & Confidence Worksheet
(coming soon)