exercises, fear, habits, journaling Katrina Hahling exercises, fear, habits, journaling Katrina Hahling

Let go of these to FEEL BETTER about yourself...

Got that knot in your chest? Feeling a little (or a lot) meh? You know, mopey, procrastinating, watching series on netflix back to back, feeling stuck, moping around the house... 

You've got a project you want to work on - application to study, a book you want to write, a business you want to start but you can't get yourself together enough to actually start (or continue) the damn thing. 

I guarantee you'll feel BETTER if you quit engaging in the following behaviours;  

1. COMPARING (Yep, Comparisonitis is a bitch and a  sure-fire method to keep you feeling small)

2. JUDGING OTHERS (Judging others generally means you don't accept that characteristic or behaviour, or you exhibit the behaviour or characteristic but aren't aware so you project it, or there could be a level of envy or resentment) 


3. Listening to the voice of FEAR rather than DISCERNMENT (hint: fear shouts while discernment whispers) 


4. Playing the BLAME GAME (you could be avoiding accepting responsibility... among other things) 


5. Engaging in VICTIM MENTALITY (what about me???)

6. PEOPLE PLEASING -- Get your FREE DOWNLOAD, 3 steps to stop people pleasing by clicking here


Becoming more aware of yourself - your thoughts and your behaviours - will enable you to see if you are engaging in these kinds of behaviours... 

If you're reading this and identifying these behaviours but you're wondering, how the hell do I shift that? Start by just changing your state. Turn off the TV and on the music - dance, practice yoga, jump around. Take yourself on a walk, a jog or a swim. Get under a cold shower if you have to! 

Pull yourself out of your slump because honey, no one else can do that for you! 

Pull out your pen and paper and remind yourself of who you really are
— Katrina Hahling

1. Begin with a fountain of GRATITUDE. Acknowledge and appreciate all the good in your life and about yourself. Be specific. Eg. I'm grateful for the hair on my head, my blue eyes that see well, for my healthy body, my legs that walk me everywhere, my body that bends when I practice yoga... and on and on and on.... 

2. Write about everything you have achieved and accomplished so far. 

3. Write out your dreams in positive, active language as though they are a reality NOW. What do you want in all areas of your life? How do you want to feel, who do you want to be, how do you want to spend your time? 

(if you're feeling really down and this is wayyy too far, take it a step back. eg. Instead of staying "I earn millions of dollars" if you currently don't have a job and that seems ridiculous write about how abundant the world is and you know that there are lots of people in the world who were once in your position and now have millions so you can do it too. That you know you have a wealth of abundance within you to create and share)

4.. Write one action you will do today that will take you closer to this dream. One small step. 

Go and do that one thing. Go, now. 

Write your way home, 


Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash

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habits, journaling, life, words, perspective Katrina Hahling habits, journaling, life, words, perspective Katrina Hahling

Stuck in the same old thoughts? Read on...

Do you ever find yourself turning the same thoughts around and around in your head? 'Oh I don't know how I'm going to get this job finished by the deadline. If I don't meet the deadline I'll let the team down and myself...Oh I don't know if I'm going to get this job finished by the deadline....' On and on and on... 

Have you ever been stuck in a loop where a certain thought/group of thoughts just doesn't leave for days (or weeks) on end? When it feels like an old record playing and no matter how hard you try, you can't find the STOP button. It just won't stop!

We beautiful humans have anywhere between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. According to some researchers, as many as 98 percent of these thoughts are exactly the same as the day before, (how boring?).

If you're stuck in a negative cycle of thoughts it be very, very painful to be in our own heads. 

One of the techniques you can use to WRITE YOUR WAY OUT of these thought cycles... is changing your perspective. You can write about yourself in third person, from another person's perspective or you can narrate the situation. You can write about the situation as though it's a comedy. Anything to shift your perspective on the situation andopen your eyes to more possibilities that you cannot see because you are running the same thoughts over and over. 

If you want to learn how to write from different perspectives, hit the contact button and drop me a line. 

Another practical tip you can utilise - when  you notice yourself thinking that same old thought again, stop yourself, take a deep breath and replace the thought with a newer, positive one. Even if it is just a thought that OPENS MORE POSSIBILITY. eg. Original thought, "I can't do this." to "I've never done this before but I am going to give it my best go." 

With heart, 




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journaling, habits, words, worth Katrina Hahling journaling, habits, words, worth Katrina Hahling

Do you knock back compliments?

I was sitting in the loungeroom with my boyfriend the other day, using him as a lounge chair actually, as I was sharing my idea for a new project. I was loosely hanging from his neck, relaxed and comfortably babbling about my idea and how it might look. 
He paused and looked at me the way I look at him when he's in the kitchen (did I tell you he's a chef?) with adoration and curiosity. 'You're really clever, ' he said. I could feel my body clench as the words came from his lips, rejecting the statement before he had even finished it.  I sent his pretty compliment sailing straight back into his face, 'Oh no, I'm not. Loads of people have done the same thing...'  

I could hear the words I was saying like I was hearing someone else speak. Simultaneously I could feel the sadness in my heart. Not only was one part of me saying, 'I'm not clever', there was another deep part of myself claiming that, in fact, I was dumb. 'My business isn't making any money, I'm still a waitress, I can't be that clever...' 
Immediately my heart felt heavy. My body felt heavy. I could have sat there and cried for an hour.

In an instant I had closed off, refusing a gift. Refusing his gift to me. The energy of the moment changed, as the air filled with my negativity and doubt.   
Now, this was only two days ago. Even with all that I know, even with all the work I do on my words and my worth... I still allow that negative voice in my head to get carried away. 

It was a window into the direct impact of my words on the world around and inside of me. 

Every day I sit down with my mindercise booklet and work on my mind. I work on rebuilding those negative neural pathways in my brain with positive, strengthening ones.  
It seems I have a lot of work to do. 
I'm sure many of you can relate to this experience of self-doubt and negativity.  Am I right?
Are you aware of the words you say and think and about yourself?

How they are impacting your action, reaction and response to the world and others?? 
Are you limiting yourself and your life and your opportunities??? 
Worth thinking about isn't it?

Psstt... I've got a FREE e-book that helps you take a look at your WORDS + WORTH. Get it here!

With heart, 



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habits, journaling, life, words, worth Katrina Hahling habits, journaling, life, words, worth Katrina Hahling

Do you notice your words?

In my work as a journal muse – teaching women how to use writing as therapy – I've become accustomed to listening. In between bouts of writing and different activities, we often share our experiences. It is here that I became acutely aware of the correlation between people's words and their worlds.  
Someone who is having a rough time, a down patch, will use words like can't, not, no, shouldn’t. Phrases like, 'I couldn't do that,' 'I couldn't believe they did that to me.' 'How could this be happening to me?' 'I couldn't do that.' 'They have a problem, not me.' 
Those in a better headspace, who are doing well? Tend to use words like can, yes, sure, I'll do my best. Phrases like, 'I listened and really tried to understand.' 'I'm really happy that he's doing so well.' 'This is great!'  'I am really enjoying myself.'  'I learned a lot'.
Notice the difference? 
Words create worlds. Of this I am certain.  
Have you ever stopped to listen to your own words and reflect on how they are creating your world? Are you aware of the words you use on a regular basis?  

Are they creative or destructive?  

Positive or negative?  

Get my free Words + Worth e-book to read about the impact words have on your self-worth and therefore, your entire life... PLUS how to change your words.  
With heart,  

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journaling, habits, fear, exercises Katrina Hahling journaling, habits, fear, exercises Katrina Hahling

Seeking, solstice, your answers lie within

All the answers you seek exist already. 

They are not in another online course. 

Not hidden between the pages of a self-help book or  your Facebook Feed. (Trust me, I've tried looking for answers there for years!) 

Your answers are not in affirmations (as great as they are).  


Your answers already exist. 

You just can't hear them because you're so busy grasping outwards.  

Trying to find the answers.  

Filling your void with courses, study, food, parties and anything else that you can find.  


Which, in fact, only fills the void with pointless noise.  

Noise. Noise. Noise.  

Not answers.  


Your answers exist.  

Trust me.  


Your answers are being whispered by your soul, daily.   

But that's the thing about our souls.  

They speak in whispers.  

The voice of discernment does not scream and yell.  

No, no, that's our friend FEAR.  

(False Evidence Appearing Real).  


See FEAR likes to carry on.  

Because fear is, well, afraid.  

What do we do when we are startled in the



We yell.  

We scream.  

'Watch out!' 

'What was that?!' 



Fear doesn't really know any other way to speak.  

Fear tends to carry on SO extravagantly, SO loudly that he drowns out our discerning voice of soul.  

How do we turn the volume down on Fear?  

We sit still.  

We breathe.  

We listen well.   


What better time to do so than winter solstice?  

Today is the shortest day of the year.  

Winter is well and truly here and what better space to tuck up with a hot water bottle, a journal and pen some words on paper.  

What better time to snuggle up and listen... 



To have  chat with your inside people.  






Here are some questions for you to ask of your higher self... your soul... <3  

What do I most need to hear right now?  

What is the one most important action I can take today?  

What is my highest value right now. 

What do I most need to learn?  

With heart, 




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journaling, exercises, habits Katrina Hahling journaling, exercises, habits Katrina Hahling

Nuns, habits and... prostitutes?

A trickle of water slides down the passenger window  

sluggishly like the morning traffic in lanes beside me.

On the curb stiletto heels  

black pleather,  4 inches catch my eye. 

Her back to me yet easily i see black makeup

sliding down her cheek...

her cheek worn like an outdoor settee

in far north Queensland sunshine  

beaten by the sun, the rain and the sun again.


The traffic before me surges forward;  

no faster than the drip snaking down my window.  

My eyes peel from the lady of the night   

fingering clothes in a second hand store  

to the whites of a holy woman

walking by her.

Head to toe she is covered, down to her thongs  

in clean, pressed white.   

Her habit covers head and reminds me, once again  

'Practice makes habit'

 and oh, how our habits  

Create our reality.  


What we do day in and day out lines up to create our lives.  

Here's a fun activity to show you if your life is aligned with your values.  

Take your journal and some quiet time to reflect...  

What do you VALUE? What is important to you in your life?  

Forme it's family, friends, my time, words, writing, travel, adventure, good food, good wine, laughter, creativity, sharing. As a few examples

Once you have listed a handful of values, I invite you to answer the following questions

In an average week, where do you spend;

Your time

Your money

Your energy 

Now cross check where you spend your time, energy and money with your values. Do they align?  

Take a moment now to write a reflective paragraph. This might include an action step or action steps if your values did NOT align.  

Remember, what you do every day is the life you are creating and who you are becoming.  

With heart,  


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