The Difference Between Traditional, Self and Indie Publishing

Why would you choose to work with Peony Publishing to get your work into the world? 

Why work with Peony Publishing to get your Work into the World??

Here’s a break down of the differences between Traditional, Self and Indie Publishing to help you understand who we are and what we do.

Traditional Publishing

means writing applications and asking the publisher to support you. A lot of traditional publishers also won’t look at you if you don’t have an agent and if you have a small social following. Traditional Publishing can take years to get your book into the world. 

Self Publishing

means doing all the nitty gritty work yourself. Finding an editor, designing the cover, formatting it yourself (or paying someone to do it) and then the more finicky parts like categories and search words. Self Publishing can be tedious and lonely. 

Indie Publishing

means choosing yourself and your timeline for publication. It means handing over all the tech stuff to one place and it will all be done for you. It means being supported by a team of fellow authors. 

Peony Publishing falls into the third category. Meaning you choose yourself, you choose your timeline, you keep all royalties and creative rights to your book. You just pay us to do the tech parts like editing, formatting, cover design, uploading and so on.

We can help you start, write (or speak) your book and publish! With all the tools and resources in one place.

Find our more by clicking here.


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