Unlock your creativity with these 3 tools

We’ve all been there.

You start a writing project with great enthusiasm and then part way through - crickets! Then your inner critic jumps in and tells you that it’s rubbish anyway, you should just stop. Who are you to write this anyway?

Or maybe the. critic got you before you had a chance to even get started.

Never fear, it happens to the best of us (even your favourite writers get blocked from time to time).

Here are my 3 best tools to unlock your creativity.

1. Journal every day.
Free write every single day. On whatever is on your mind, what’s happening in your world, what you see out the window. If you need help with this I share exactly how to free write in my Journal Toolkit. You can get it, along with 7 other useful journal tools and how to use them by clicking here.

Writing in your journal every day helps to free up your mind. It lays to rest all the questions, stress, worries and what-ifs so you can get to work. Try it out!

2. Go for a walk.
There’s nothing to free the mind than to go for a walk. I’m not sure what it is about moving your feet that helps to move the mind, but it works. Best to do without headphones, or even your phone if you can. Also, best to do if you can amble and look around you rather than an exercise-type walk where you going fast and timing yourself. Allow yourself to slow down, allow your thoughts to ramble. Take in the houses, the streets, the trees, the sky.
Bonus tip: even better if you can get out of your usual environment and into nature! Not necessary, but can help.

3. Write daily.
When working on a particular project it helps to do a little bit every day. This creates momentum. With momentum comes more enthusiasm for the work. Rather than trying to get a lot done in one day, aim for 300-600-1000 words every day. Watch the momentum build. Some days you’ll be on fire and write more than planned. Other days you’ll struggle to reach your goal. This is the work of art. Showing up even when you don’t feel like it. Sit down to your art and watch the magic happen.

Great read to get you inspired: Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Happy unlocking,

Katrina, Peony Publishing


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