Years ago, in the midst of feeling completely lost, utterly useless and down in the dumps, I went researching (it's what I do).
Into the Google Search bar I typed;
'How to tell the voice of fear from intuition'?
See, when you are so caught up in your head and you've let all your voices have free range for two decades - well, there's a whole lot of warring going on up in your head.
At this confused and complicated time of my life, the voice of Intuition was not apparent to me.
Want to know why ?
Want to know what I learned from my research?
(and I sincerely wish I could link that very blog but I can no longer find it)
I found a beautiful blog and one sentence struck my core and remains part of my biggest message today;
Fear is the loud voice shouting while Discernment (Intuition) is a hand on your back gently guiding you, 'this is the way.'
Intuition speaks softly, in gestures, in symbols. Intuition requires your attention, your silence in order for it to be heard.
Intuition requires practice. Like a muscle it must be built. If you are now, like I was then, so caught up in the voices of your mind, you have trained your Rational thinking mind to be strong. You have flexed that muscle.
Now you must learn to flex your intuition.
1. Daily card. Pick a card in the morning (Oracle Card) - choose just one and Journal on what you think/feel it means.
At the end of the day journal on what actually happened.
2. Guessing games - play with fast games where you don't think too much about it first. What colour is the car that's about to come around the corner ?Who's the next person who will call you.
3. Take yourself on an intuitive trip. Could be a 20 minute walk or a half day drive... or longer... simply go where you feel drawn. At every intersection take the turn that feels best for you. Play with this. Enjoy the process. Trust that you are heading in exactly the right direction.
4. Trust yourself. I know this can be hard and the best piece of advice I've ever read about this is --- don't beat yourself up if you're Intuition is wrong, if you get it wrong. Practice Self-Compassion here.
Write your way home,