1. As you go through out your day, pay attention to what you are feeling and acknowledge. 'I am feeling Angry'. Keep in mind you are a human having an emotion. You do not become your emotion. Eg. I am Angry - as often as you can focus on shifting your thinking away from being an emotion to being a human having an emotion. Note what this shift brings up for you.
2. Find a comfortable, quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed, sit with your eyes closed. Focus on your breath. Ask yourself, 'What am I feeling,' allowing whatever comes up to arise - even if it is tears. Begin to label or name what you are feeling. Sit here. With all of these feelings.
3. Write to your emotions - engage, for example, anger in a discussion on the page. What does Anger need to say? How can you work with Anger? What does Anger need? Promise Anger you'll be a better listener from now on, rather than hiding from it or suppressing it.
Write your way,