Things I know For Sure

There’s a lot about this world and this life I don’t understand and am unsure about. The more I learn, the more I realise I don’t know and there’s so much to know. But, I picked some cards today from an oracle deck and when I asked about what I need to do, I picked a card stating Share Wisdom. 

I believe wisdom is what we know through experience, which sparked this post.

Here is what I know for sure. After 36 laps around the sun.

( I also obtain the rights to change what I know for sure ten minutes, ten days or ten years from now. Because, the more we know, the more we know we don’t know, right?)

Things I know for sure: 

  1. When we go after what we want in life, we naturally must grow.

    This expansion and change is valuable and important. 

  2. The hard times in life are where the gold lies.

    The arguments in relationships can provide deeper connection and understanding once we’re on the other side. Sadness allows us to hold our joy. Working for something can be more satiating than being gifted the very same item/experience. 

  3. This life is amazing.

    The fact that our planet earth hangs in such a balance that it can support life. That your ancestors survived, thousands upon thousands of them and the fact that  you of all the sperm made it to the egg and then you survived the perils of birth. The fact that we can touch, see, feel, hear and taste. To experience life in these human bodies. That humankind created running water and washing machines. I could go on and on and on. Life is miraculous and amazing and we take it for granted too often. 

  4. Gratitude and appreciation make everything better.
    If you want more of something - be grateful. If you want to change something - be grateful. If you want to make the world a better place - be grateful. If you want your children to have a better life than you did - teach them gratitude. What we focus on grows so if you focus on what is good, what is working, what is going well, what is great, what is awesome? You’ll get more and more to be thankful for. It’s how the universe works and it’s an attribute to point three - life is amazing. 

  5. Not everything is as it seems.
    Especially in the modern world. We live in a sea of social media, marketing, curated news and misinformation. The women teaching money mindset might actually have less money than you do. The luxury lifestyles of influencers may or may not be their actual day to day. That article in the paper is actually an advertorial and was paid for. The guy with the great abs teaching you an ab workout might actually be more naturally inclined to generate muscle than you are; so pushing yourself might never see you get the same abs as him. Food wasn’t meant to be quick and easy. I could go on.
    But question what you read, the images you see, the messages you’re receiving. Who’s responsible for them? What’s their intention? What’s really going on behind the scenes? 

  6. Writing helps me bloom.
    This is personal but its truth. I’m sure it’s truth for many. While I believe I’m quick witted, astute and capable, it can take time for me to decode what I’m feeling, what I want and need. It can take me time to figure out what I need to say, my opinion on a matter. I need to spend time writing to sort out the experiences, the thoughts, feelings, memories, stories to put them together coherently. 

Six is my favourite number, so I’ll stop there. 

A few things I know for sure. 

That I might not believe in any amount of time from now. 

Life is funny like that, isn’t it? 

Always learning and growing. 

Be bold, Katrina


Question Everything


stay the course, magic will follow