You can make another decision


They can seem overwhelming at times, particularly when they involve the rest of your life. I remember feeling paralysed by big life decisions.

I mean, you’re in the 9th grade and they invite you to choose subjects that will define the rest of your career. Ie. The rest of your life.

If you know any of my story you’ll know that I struggled with my career path for most of my life. All through high school as we were directed to narrow down our subjects to align with a career path I freaked out. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. I had no idea what to do or what it looked like.

At one point I even believed I would die at a young age because I couldn’t see the way forward. I couldn’t picture my working life, my career, the rest of my life.

Another time I was panicked by a decision that impacted the rest of my life was when I was living in Helsinki. I’d moved there for a year to see my heritage, to learn the language and spend time with my maternal grandma. While there, I met and fell in love with a beautiful french man. He invited me to stay. To make a life there with him.

I panicked. I mean, could I do it? Could I stay there? Did I want to? This was, after all the rest of my life we were talking about.

In one conversation about it, in which I was paralysed by this seemingly huge decision that would impact the rest of my life, this beautiful man said something to me I’ll never forget.

‘You can always make another decision,’ he said.

Meaning, the decision to stay in Finland wasn’t final. If I didn’t like it I could leave. I could make another decision further down the track.

Do you know how much relief that flooded me with?

I hope it lightens the load on your big life decisions too.

Even if you do choose one degree over another, even if you choose one pathway instead of something else. You can always choose again.

You can always make another decision.

Be bold,



stay the course, magic will follow


Incorporate these in your life to feel confident in your direction in life