I just realised today it's nearly half way through the year already?! It's nearly the end of financial year here in Australia. How crazy is that? 

Time just seems to fly by. 

Especially when there's so much going on; mouths to feed, children to shuffle to and from school, businesses to run, work to be done, clothes to clean and on and on and on the list goes. 

It's so easy to let time for ourselves - you know that giving to ourselves stuff - slip away from us. Especially as women we tend to put others first and work harder and speak more kindly when it's anyone else but us. 

We've all heard it before in myriad forms; 

"You have to fill your cup before you can fill anyone else's."

"Give to yourself first."

"You can't give from an empty cup."

on and on and on ....

We know it.


But how do we actually enforce this giving to ourselves thing first? 


Here's my one simple tip:




I don't care if it's 15 minutes a week or 5 minutes every morning. Schedule in YOU TIME. Make it time that you do something you LOVE that lights you up. It could be reading an inspiring book, journaling, yoga, playing with tarot cards, stair sprints, juggly, handstands, whatever floats your proverbial boat lady!

Whatever time you can fit it in. 

Write it in your planner, type it into your iphone calendar, set an alarm on your phone. Schedule it in like you would a coffee date with a friend and stick to it. Follow through. 


Prioritise yourself. 

You deserve it. 


With love, 


Trini x  





The Art of Self-Compassion


What if you didn't believe you were BROKEN?