Are you ready to be your own hero?
back in 2009, when I was still a uni student living off sandwiches and cheap wine I took a script writing course.
The course was based on film scripts and there was quite a lot of discussion about the lack of films (and scripts) with a strong female lead.
Think about it. Stop for a minute and name a film with a strong female lead.
Around this same time Reece Witherspoon was having the same conversation WITHIN the film industry. Except, no one wanted to have a bar of it.
So you know what Reece did?
Reece went and created a film production company in 2012 with a mission to create films with strong female leads. Everyone doubted her. The film industry doubted that there was a market for films centring on women.
Well, Reece's production company has gone on to create films with a strong female lead that have grossed billions of dollars worldwide (Gone Girl & Wild were the first two made). Stories written by women about women, produced by women and starring women.
Why is this important for you?
The lesson isn't 'if you want something done, you have to do it yourself,' but, if that's all you take from this email, that's plenty!
What I wanted to point out is the importance of NARRATIVE in our society. Story is as old as time. Humans have told stories before we could write, before screen and cinema.
We passed down story to keep the culture alive. We tell stories to teach lessons, to entertain.
In fact, we are telling ourselves stories every single day.
I wanted to bring your awareness to YOU. What stories are you telling yourself?
Are you a strong lead in your own story?
What stories are you telling yourself day in and day out?
Always with heart,